About Us

Mossberg Industries, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Khorporate Holdings, Inc., manufactures plastic spools and reels for a variety of extruded products. Mossberg has been supplying reels and spools for wire, cable, hose, tubing, tapes, rope and textile for over 90 years. Mossberg manufactured plywood and hardboard reels for many years before shifting to plastic exclusively. Our experience with injection molding, structural molding, rotation molding and extrusion allows the Mossberg team to design and build custom tooling to best serve our customer’s requirements.
Nearly a century ago, leading wire producers approached Eber Hubbard of the Chicago Manufacturing & Welding Company. Because of the need for a quality steel spool for the packaging of copper wire, the Hubbard Spool Company was formed.
In 1970, Mossberg Industries, Inc. and Hubbard Spool joined forces to continue the effort to design and manufacture cost effective packaging reels and spools for manufacturers of wire and cable products, cordage products, rope, fiber optics, hose, tubing extruded materials or any other type of linear product.

Mossberg Industries, Inc. continues to offer the experience to design and manufacture better plastic reels to replace steel reels, plywood reels, paper composition reels and nailed wood reels. Mossberg flanges are injection molded and cores are extruded in a variety of diameters that can be mixed-n-matched to offer the customer the largest selection of sizes. Our customers can build a custom reel for their requirements at an off the shelf price. Mossberg also molds one-piece heavy duty plastic reels for processing bare wire or fiber, along with injection molded pails.
Some Things Never Change
We will never lower our quality standard or our commitment to providing the best customer service and we will never stop finding better ways to meet our customers’ expectations.We will always be an innovator that finds the better solution.

Some Things Continually Change
Let’s Talk
If you have a need for shipping reels, process reels or linear packaging of any kind, we can work with you to find a better way.
Mossberg Industries, Inc. customers appreciate exceptional customer service and timely delivery from multiple locations. Our consistent quality and dependable service is what has allowed our company to succeed in business for so many years.